Wednesday, January 5, 2011

booked it, baby!

We did it! Last night, husband and I booked our first cruise.

As a first-timer, I was amazed at how simple it was—we even did it on my iPhone!

Carnival’s website was easy to follow, which surprised me. We chose our stateroom (ocean view), our deck, room position and number. We even had the option to pre-pay gratuities and book excursions!

We are both looking forward to this new adventure... It definitely gets add to our list of “firsts”, both as a couple, and as individuals.

Our next step is to obtain passports. Alex has never had one, and even though I’d had one as a child, it’s been more than 15 years since it was issued, so I’d need to apply for a new one as well.

What advice do you have for first-time cruisers?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

it's official!

We booked the cruise this evening! Carnival Ecstasy, here we come! It's such a good deal, especially for first-timers.

Now the fun begins: actually preparing, packing and planning. Oy.

don't call this a boat... it's a SHIP!

Doesn't it look fun?

maiden voyage on the high seas...

I truly feel that the best way to learn about something is to write about it. It’s why I’ve been an avid blogger for years, and why I have this incessant need to post my life on social sites. There’s this amazing give-and-take with social writing, so I come to you now, a humble beginner in the ways of: SEA TRAVEL!

That’s right, Alex and I have decided to get away for a high seas adventure. No baby, no brothers, no work... Just him and I for five days. In a tiny ship room. With a thousand other people. Wait, what about this sounds appealing?!

Just kidding.

There’s so much to do before embarkation in three months. 110 days, to be exact.

We’ve had a lot of life changes the past year—most all good, but definitely all stressful—and need to reconnect. Between the baby (now a toddler!), a new job and moving, can you blame us for focusing on things besides each other? This is our last “hoorah” before our next big life change to come: buying our first home.

I’m finding that putting this trip together may be a bit more intense than I thought (passports, packing and planning, OH MY!), but it’s all part of the journey. Join us!